Kill the Turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner!

*Epilepsy warning! Flashing lights!*

Originally planned for Thanksgiving 2023, it is now here for Thanksgiving 2024!

You have 20 ways to Kill the Turkey and serve him, ranging from shooting him with your shotgun, or summoning the wrath of God to strike him down!

Controls: press the buttons and see what happens!

This has to be one of my favorite games that I've made, it's very comedic like old Newgrounds and has replayability by unlocking all the medals!

If you couldn't tell just by the name, this is heavily inspired by the Assassin games and Club a Seal!

Go listen to the full songs used in the games here!

Go play the Newgrounds version here!

Thanks to @Turbochad for voicing the narrator!

Once again, thanks to @lajbel to get the medals working!

Here's the news post if you want to read it!

Thanks to @DoctorStrongbad for beta testing the game!

Here's some hints for the secret achievements. "An age old gaming secret." "What amount of score do you get from an MLG clutch?" "Bro died on his own time." "Impatience is key."

Please let me know if you find any bugs in the game! Feedback is appreciated!

--Edit-- Thanks for the daily fourth placeee!

---Update Log---

11/28/24: V1.0.0, Game released.

11/28/24: V1.0.1, Added Thanksgiving Diss song to menu as easter egg.

11/29/24: V1.0.1, Daily 4th place.

11/29/24: V1.0.2, Fixed secret medal on menu.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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